“bridging academia and industry in matter of sustainable finance”
We are aiming to become the platform for sustainable finance at the University of St. Gallen, allowing students to explore the opportunities that the industry has to offer.
On the other hand, we strive to create an environment where students can critically reflect current concepts, ideas and theories and bring innovation and creativity from the HSG to the industry.
“bringing students closer to the world of sustainable finance”
We want to bring the students at the University of St. Gallen closer to the world of sustainable finance, while promoting the students' careers through workshops and expanding their knowledge through informative keynotes, disruptive articles and insightful panel-discussions.
Along this journey, we aim to explore, reinvent and understand how sustainability and finance can co-exist and benefit from each other, while challenging current conceptions and methods critically.
For obvious reasons, sustainability represents our core value. Nonetheless, our approach towards sustainability differs from traditional orientations. We embrace a systematic & embedded view of the latter, in which business, society, and nature are viewed as nested systems. As such we also acknowledge that there is value hierarchy, recognizes inherent—though not equivalent—value in all three systems.
Within the Sustainable Investment Club, the classic Chatham House rules applies to all our activities. This approach should further encourage our members to think outside the box, favorizing a clear separation from the opinion and the view of our members.
Diversity in mind
We embrace diversity in its purest form; diversity in thinking. We are not afraid to have diverging perceptions, au contraire, we actively support unconventional thinking, as it is a pillar for innovation and critical thinking.
We want our members and students to embrace a bold imagination. At the SIC, we are promoting creativity in all its forms and shapes while establishing a climate of reflective and critical thinking.